您好,歡迎進(jìn)入新鄉(xiāng)市弘力電源科技有限公司! 多年品質(zhì)保證,為公司贏得了市場(chǎng)一致好評(píng)!

Global Sources Electronic Components Show (from 11-14th April).our booth no#: 11N05

發(fā)布:xxshldy 瀏覽:6332次

Sucessfully completed the HK Global Source Electronic Components Fair. we are glad to meet many new friends and customers. if any need further to learn more about our lithium ion battery, warmly welcome you to come to visit our HONGLI factory~


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Copyright © 新鄉(xiāng)市弘力電源科技有限公司 All Rights Reserved. [管理登陸]

地 址:新鄉(xiāng)縣新鄉(xiāng)經(jīng)濟(jì)開(kāi)發(fā)區(qū)太行北路西段
乘車路線:乘坐108到興寧路口下車步行590米即到 電 話:0373-5632158

王經(jīng)理:18680098767 郵 箱:xxshldy@xxshldy.com


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